#147 Katherine “caLc¡fer” Lu

Crossed: Spring 2023, Alpha eta Class

Big Sister

#135 Meg “eL¡x¡r” Cabras (Alpha Zeta Class)

Little Sister

#155 Judy “cLa¡rvoyant" Zhao (Alpha Theta Class)


Boca Raton, FL




Computer Science

Expected Graduation

Spring 2026

Positions held

Recruitment Chair (Fall 2023)

Graphic Design Chair (Fall 2023)

Co-Graphic Designers (Spring 2024)

About Me

I was born in Tennessee but was raised in Boca Raton, FL. I’ve always loved to play video games, ice skate, and make art! I love my dog named Coco but am a diehard cat person and love to watch K-dramas and anime that make me cry.

Future aspirations

To be working within the field of programming.


Growing up in a predominantly white area, I never had many Asian friends, especially female friends. I wanted to be in a community of like-minded and similar people and I didn’t find that in my first semester at FSU. On top of that, I really wanted to push myself outside of my comfort zone since I never really did before college. As I got to know more about aKDPhi, I realized that I could gain a lot more than a community and grow as a person overall. What really sealed the deal were the women I met in aKDPhi, I found people who I could see as mentors and life-long friends and I knew I couldn’t pass that up.